
With more than 35 years experience in the industry, Central Ohio Orthodontic Lab is dedicated in providing the highest quality appliances that fits your needs. Our team of experienced technicians work meticulously to ensure each custom-made appliance meets and exceeds our customer's level of expectation - attention to detail, quality and service is our #1 goal.


Fixed appliances


Removable appliances


Functional appliances


Sleep Appliances


Mouth guards



To make it easy for our customers, we have provided downloadable forms to streamline your requests. Please find links to our prescription forms listed below. 

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Downloadable prescription forms: 

Click here to Download Prescription Forms

Contact Us

We are here to deliver solutions to your orthodontic laboratory needs. Tell us what you are hoping to accomplish and how we can make an impact with your practice.

  • Please call for a pick-up in the Central Ohio area

  • Downloadable prescription forms to streamline your request


Our Office:

Central Ohio Orthodontic Lab (COOL Ortho Lab)

2673 Sawbury Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43235